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Vote for Bodom of Finland

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Vote for Bodom of Finland Empty Vote for Bodom of Finland

Rašyti by Z4ros Lt Antr. 02 22, 2011 11:13 pm

Hello BODOM OF FINLAND (BOF) members,

As you might, or might not know yet, Jagex has set up a new Poll to vote for the best Runescape clan and community.
BOF is one of those that can win WITH your help!!
The poll ends tomorow morning or afternoon, so there would be no cheating.
Please hurry and vote for BOF (or any other clan)!!!

Vote it now!!

Please vote its very important.

Z4ros Lt

F2P cmb lvl : 126
Rsn : Z4ros Lt
Irc nick : Z4ros Lt
Viestien lukumäärä : 1
Join date : 2011-02-22

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